Alpiq Holding

Gugushev & Partners Law Office is the legal counsel of Alpiq Holding, one of the leading energy companies in Switzerland and the largest energy services provider in Europe, since 2007 at the very start of the investments of Alpiq in wind farms on the territory of Bulgaria. Gugushev & Partners advised the company, on the acquisition of two wind power plants in Bulgaria with a total capacity of 72,50 MW. The work included due diligence analyses of the two target companies, legal advice in the process of development of the wind parks and their commissioning. We also advised Alpiq on the energy legal framework, assisted in the licensing procedure as well as supported the client in the communication with all relevant national authorities. Since the commissioning of the power plants, we continue to provide full-scope of the legal services to the client, including representation before all competent authorities such as the Ministry of Energy, the National Electricity Company EAD, the Electricity System Operator EAD, the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, the Public Financial Inspection Agency, Financial Supervision Commission as well as balancing coordinators in relation to the sale of the produced energy, access to the electric transmission grid, participation to the energy balancing market, reporting of regular information, etc., as well as analysis of newly adopted changes in the energy legislation in the view of their impact on Alpiq’s activity in Bulgaria. We also support the client on various matters in the field of corporate and commercial law, dispute resolution as well as with respect to GDPR compliance.