Stefani joined Gugushev & Partners in October 2023 as part of the Litigation Department. She has strong interests in the areas of contract, property and commercial law, as well as civil procedure.

During her studies at the university she participated in a number of competitions in the field of private law, among which is the National Competition in Civil and Commercial Law "Christian Takoff". In 2022 she took part in the prestigious Summer Academy in European and Comparative Private Law in Salzburg, Austria.

In 2023, she participated in the Summer School on Contract Law organized by the European Law Students Association (ELSA), which was held in Brno, Czech Republic.In 2022 - 2023 Stefani is co-chair of the Civil and Commercial Law Circle at the Faculty of Law of the University of Sofia. She is a recipient of the Prof. Vitali Tadjer. 


Professional experience:

  • Assists attorneys by researching case law and drafting documents and opinions;


  • Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“ (2019-2024), Masters of Laws


  • English