Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BRCCI)
The Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BRCCI) is a private association of companies interested to develop their business in Bulgaria and/or Romania. The Chamber, together with its members and partners, forms an active platform for the exchange of market information, business contacts and experience focused at one primary goal: helping its members and clients to achieve sustainable growth.
Its business community is extended by the partnerships they form with organizations with whom they share similar interests and values. Some of them include the Bulgarian Chamber’s network; the interconnections with the other bilateral chambers in Bulgaria and Romania, BNI Bulgaria, BNI Romania, The Pro Danube International Association, the EURES network.
SCR mission of the association is the Bulgarian - Romanian Kids Fund, established and hosted by the Chamber in 2017. It provides opportunities for the Bulgarian and Romanian children to meet, play and learn together so that they can make friends and overcome any cultural barriers that might exist in the future. All their member companies contribute to the Fund by paying their annual membership fee.